Monday, March 2, 2009

Thing # 7 - Commenting

I can honestly say that I have never blogged to get a reader or a comment. After reading the 10 Commandments of Commenting and Commenting Etiquette that there was so much more to blogs than just personal reflections. These reflections are also suppose to stimulate a response in the form of a comment. I guess that goes along with how technology now is a 2 way street. Commenting and receiving comments can help "tweak" areas of the topic being blogged and this in return helps to improve the topic!! The tips on how to comment, why to comment and the right way to comment gave me ideas and the "courage" to try commenting. I guess time will tell if I ever blog to get a reader or a comment!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's just validating to know someone cares enough to read and comment on your thoughts. :-)
